Where to Watch and Stream Documentaries Online for Free

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Lights, camera, documentary! Welcome to Moviestica, your ultimate destination for thought-provoking, informative, and captivating documentaries that will expand your horizons and ignite your curiosity. At Moviestica, we believe in the power of documentaries to educate, inspire, and create meaningful conversations. From compelling social issues to awe-inspiring natural wonders, documentaries have the ability to shed light on diverse topics and bring about a deeper understanding of the world we live in. Dive into a World of Knowledge and Discovery Join us on an extraordinary journey as we curate a diverse collection of documentaries that cover a wide range of subjects. From gripping true crime stories to mind-bending scientific explorations, from fascinating historical accounts to eye-opening environmental documentaries, we strive to provide you with a rich tapestry of knowledge and discovery. Explore Hidden Stories and Uncover New Perspectives Moviestica is a platform dedicated to showcasing documentaries that challenge conventional thinking and shed light on lesser-known stories. We aim to amplify voices that often go unheard and present narratives that encourage critical thinking and foster empathy. Get ready to embark on a cinematic exploration that will broaden your horizons and deepen your understanding of the world. Engage with a Community of Curious Minds At Moviestica, we believe in the power of community engagement. Join our vibrant community of documentary enthusiasts, where you can share your thoughts, exchange recommendations, and engage in insightful discussions. Connect with fellow curious minds, learn from different perspectives, and together, let's delve into the fascinating world of documentaries. Elevate Your Documentary Experience with Moviestica Immerse yourself in the art of storytelling with Moviestica. Our platform goes beyond streaming by providing bonus content, behind-the-scenes insights, and exclusive interviews that enrich your documentary-watching experience. Gain a deeper appreciation for the filmmaking process and embark on a journey of discovery like never before. Experience the Magic of Documentary Filmmaking Today! Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary cinematic journey filled with knowledge, inspiration, and eye-opening stories? Join us at Moviestica and unlock a world of captivating documentaries that will expand your horizons, challenge your perspectives, and ignite your curiosity. Stay tuned as we unveil our remarkable lineup of documentaries, engage in stimulating discussions, and create an inclusive community of documentary lovers. The adventure starts now!

Best 6 Sites For Watching Documentaries Online

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Reviews: 712 user | 833 critic |
Documentary - is professional looking site with many options and features. Here you can browse films by location which is great if you are interested only for films from some region or country, another specific of this site is browsing films by length: Short Film (less than 10min), Medium Fillm (11-30 minutes), or long Film (longer than 30 minutes). Also, they have a magazine where you can find info about upcoming film events, documentary reviews and more. Documentary.net have good database with more than a thousand films from many genres. Updating is very frequently, but they add only those films that meet certain standards of quality.

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Documentary Addict

Reviews: 712 user | 833 critic |
Documentary Addict - has the biggest database of documentaries they have more than 4500 films. Here you will find documentaries from a vast range of genres, but they are more focused on Crime, History, Conspiracy, Mystery, Health. Browsing films here is easy, just in main page are 20 documentaries and you can search also by Most popular, Just added, Random selection or traditionally by Categories. Site is regularly updated with new films and you can subscribe to receive them by mail.

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Documentary Heaven

Reviews: 712 user | 833 critic |
Documentary Heaven - The name is fancy, but it suits for the site this is really heaven for documentaries. They have a huge database of more than 2500 documentaries from many genres and sub genres. Also, they have forum where you can exchange opinions on topics related to documentary films. DH has a nice layout and everything on the home page is arranged to be reachable and easy to use.

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Documentary Storm

Reviews: 712 user | 833 critic |
Documentary Storm - Design is similar to sites for movie streaming, all documentaries are on the home page with posters and that give professional look of the site. DocumentaryStorm has a smaller quantity of films around 700-800 documentaries, but doesn't means they do not have quality, in certain genres like Politics, Society, Conspiracy they are doing a great job.

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Documentary Tube

Reviews: 712 user | 833 critic |
Documentary Tube - covers a vast range of films, there are more than 30 categories and subcategories in which are 1000+ documentary films. The site also is easy to use, on the header are all genres from where you can navigate and browse the site for documentaries. Updating here is done weekly, so you will not wait too long for new films. Also for those who are more in to documentary film, here you can find info about upcoming film festivals and events. This is one of the sites that should be on the short list for watching documentaries.

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Documentary Films

Reviews: 712 user | 833 critic |
Top Documentary Films - is maybe the most known website for watching documentaries online. They have more than 80 thousands subscribers, this numbers just verify how much popular is TDF. Database of documentaries is solid with over 2800 films and is constanly increasing. They are covering in total 25 genres but TDF is more focused on History, Politics, Religion, Science, Society like main genres. They also have film store from where you can buy almost every comercial documentary film. So if you plan to watch documentaries online this is one of the sites you should visit.

All the above website, actually are not hosting theirs videos, they collect them from the web and embed on the site. Which is good they arrange documentaries in categories and makes your life easier. Most of the documentaries are hosted on YouTube and Vimeo All of this sites are free with no obligation to Sign up, Paying, or Downloading anything.
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